Prior to purchasing a residential or commercial lot, Bechtol Engineering & Testing will complete a geotechnical study to determine the existing soil and groundwater conditions on site and determine the suitability of the site for proposed construction activities. BET will conduct a series of soil borings in the probable construction areas, retrieve samples for visual classification and laboratory testing, and prepare a report for the client with applicable earthwork and foundation related recommendations. The report will provide the client (and their structural engineer/architect/contractor) with guidelines for how to prepare the land for construction of the proposed development. Whether it be removal of deleterious materials, demucking (removal) of unsuitable and/or highly organic soils and backfilling with clean materials, etc. Additionally, it is important for the client to know what the most cost effective foundation option would be for the proposed development. BET will provide the most cost efficient and structurally suitable option(s) for the client and their proposed project (standard monolithic slab on grade, stem-wall, modified foundations, timber or concrete auger cast pile foundation, etc.).
Please feel free to contact one of BET’s Project Engineers to schedule or inquire about our geotechnical studies today!